Digital Electronic Body Massager with 2 Massage Heads, 9 Acupuncture Modes
5 000CFA 2 900CFA
- Electric meridian acupuncture pen
- Acupuncture is a traditional method of Chinese medicine.
- It combines traditional methods with modern technology.
- Description
- Reviews (0)
- L’acupuncture East a complex healing method known from traditional Chinese medicine, which restores physiological balance to the entire body.
- The method is effective in relieving acute and chronic pain.
- During an acupuncture treatment, acupuncture points located along the meridians and trigger points (knots and tension points in the muscles) are stimulated with needles specially formed for this purpose. The acupuncture pen combines ancient Chinese methods with modern technology.
- With its help, you can get rid of pain without needles and injections!
- Using an electric pulse and an acupuncture head instead of the traditional Chinese acupuncture method is much easier and simpler. The treatment is carried out with low frequency electrical pulses. The low-frequency pulses stimulate nerve cells in the muscle, stimulating muscle contraction and relaxation.
- This helps increase blood flow to weakened tissues, whereby the supply of proteins and nutrients increases, thereby reducing pain.
- The device comes with two metal massage heads, one spherical and one dome-shaped.
- Spherical head: can be used on the entire surface of the body. Dome-shaped head: can be used for facial care.
- The aid, which looks like a pen, can be used at any time, and you can take it with you anywhere.
- The analgesic effect is achieved by nerve stimulation acting through the skin.
- Since it does not contain any active ingredients, it has no side effects.
- The device works with 1 AA battery included in the package.
- Speed levels: 3
- Number of programs: 2
The device comes with two metal massage heads, one spherical and one dome-shaped.
- Spherical head: can be used on the entire surface of the body.
- Dome-shaped head: can be used for facial care.
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